
A supplier with environmental conscience

Since Early Jewelry began, we’ve ordered metals from Rio Grande, a company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Its spring newsletter described the company’s efforts to become more environmentally efficient and to minimize its impact on the ecosystem. Their efforts to be ecologically responsible are impressive.

The company has been using recovered metals for the last twenty years, taking in scrap metal from photographic wastes, used catalysts, computer and electronics parts, jewelry, dental material and silverware. Now, Rio Grande recycles more metal than it uses.

Rio Grande has also developed ways to manufacture metals which save energy and reduce waste. They also clean their finished products with soap and water instead of toxic solvents.

Since Rio Grande moved to its current location 10 years ago, they revamped their factory building to be more energy efficient; now the factory uses 50 percent less energy AND one-third less water. And, of course, they purchase recycled materials and actively recycle paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum.

Like Rio Grande, Early Jewelry values the same broad-spectrum environmental efforts, and we’re proud to support their business with our own.

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